I Want To Use The Express Service To Get Vietnam Visa Urgently. Can I Apply For It Every Time And Board The Airplane Right After?
With the express service, it helps every applicant easily get Vietnam visa much faster. Depending on your time as well as the fee you want to pay, Vietnam visa would be sent to you after 1 working day (8 hours), 4 hours, 2 hours or even 1 hour.
The working time of E-visa is from Monday to Friday (8 AM – 5 PM following the Vietnam time). If you are going to use the express service, you should apply for it in this time because E-visa won’t be accepted at the weekend.
The working time of Visa On Arrival is from Monday to Sunday (8 AM – 5 PM following the Vietnam time). You can choose every time to apply for it. However, if you apply in the non-working time (after 5 PM), “the approval letter” of Visa On Arrival will be sent to you at the day after.
Because E-visa and Visa On Arrival are both online visa, so you can apply for it every time in the day. However, “the approval letter” or E-visa will be sent to you at the time following the working time – no matter you are using the express service or not.
Vietnam visa can be processed online, so you can apply it every time. However, you must pay attention to the time schedule to get it.
Firstly: Before entering Vietnam, your visa will be checked at “the immigration counter”. Therefore, you have to get Vietnam visa to present.
Secondly: However, it doesn’t mean that you can do every way to apply for Vietnam visa, as long as it will be sent to you after your arrival and before entering. In fact, E-visa or “the approval letter” will be also required to check before boarding the airplane, so you won’t be accepted to take a flight without it.
Thirdly: In addition, you should take note that you are applying for Vietnam visa in the working time or not. If not, your visa will be sent to you at the day after.
For example: If now is 6 PM and your flight time is 10 PM. Although you still have 4 hours to apply for Vietnam visa. However, now is not in the working time, so it won’t be sent to you after 1 hour (7 PM) as your requirement. Therefore, you can’t get Vietnam visa before 10 PM as well as use it for boarding the airplane.
Apply urgent visa, click here.
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